Saturday, Aug 25
Quad #10 Entry Fee: $12 if early, $15 at site, (members $5 off, FM and above FREE). ($$ FREE Membership): One year of FREE Chess Castle membership to the winner of the most quads at the end of the year (split on a tie). Onsite Registration: 9:30-9:50 (phone or text 763-232-9944). Rounds: 10:00~1:30~ASAP. Byes: None. Other: This is an inexpensive event for fun and competition, usually done by 6 or 7. Directed by Nate Hoover. House player welcomed. Round times are estimates. There is a 1/2 hour lunch after round 1 and a 5-10 minute break after round 2. If you register early, you must still check-in by 9:55, or you may not get paired. The lower section is usually rated youths in grades 4-8. TD may require submission of game scores. All proceeds go to the Chess Castle. Registered: 8 players, see Wallchart.
Exerciser Quad 4, Saturday, April 2
3 Round Robin by rating, (G/60; +30), open to everyone, Entry Fee: $12 if early, $15 onsite, (members $5 off, FM and above FREE). ($$ FREE Membership): One year of FREE Chess Castle membership to the winner of the most quads at the end of the year (split on a tie). Onsite Registration: 9:00-9:50 (phone or text 651-280-5473). Rounds: 10:00-1:30-ASAP. Byes: None.
This is an inexpensive event for fun and competition, usually done by 6 or 7. House players welcome. If you register early, you must still check-in by 9:55, or you may not get paired. Rated Youth Section Grades 4-9 if 4 or more players.